In a mysterious Instagram post, Ilerioluwa Aloba, better known by his stage as Mohbad, was reported to have lived with worries by his wife, Omowunmi. This statement came as celebrities and music lovers continued to grieve his passing.
Omowuni bemoaned the fact that Mohbad battled and experienced anxiety up to his passing in a series of posts on her Instagram account.
"He struggled until death, too many pains, threatening, he has always lived in fear, continuous fights everywhere he goes, he has never been happy for a whole day," she claimed.
Omowunmi also denied claims that the singer has mental health problems.
"He was called a junkie, a crazy person, and a mental issue so that the public would have another view about him," she said. You all won, so take your prize at least he's dead. You all made me a widow at the age of 24.
She said that even though she had a son, the late singer was concerned for her and wished she had left the nation.
"Nothing makes him happy any longer, and even after seeing his child, he grew more concerned. He is now a family guy, and he doesn't want anything to happen to us. I was scheduled to get my child's passport yesterday so that we could begin our vacation, but he always says to me.
Wunmi pls go for my baby sake, I wouldn’t want this people to harm you and him it will break me, you just go, let me face them myself,” she added.